Liebster Award Winners!!!!

We recently found out we were nominated for a Liebster Award by our friends at!  Thanks so much guys.  

What is the Liebster Award?

The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
Here we go following our instructions...albeit reminding us of our chain letter youth!

In accepting the Liebster Award, there are a few rules that we must follow.
  1. Thank the nominator in our award post
  2. Place the award logo somewhere on our blog
  3. State 11 facts about us
  4. Complete the questions that our nominator provided
  5. Nominate as many bloggers as we’d like for recognition (11 is the maximum)
  6. Ask our nominees a series of questions (11 is the maximum)
Our facts:
  1. There are 2 of us who lead at HallmarkedUp Mary & Sarah
  2. We both enjoy reading
  3. We both hold jobs that have been featured in Hallmark Movies
  4. We are glad to be taking a break from constant Hallmark movie watching - Christmas only!
  5. Mary has a dog
  6. Mary legit had a Hallmark Christmas-like wedding
  7. Sarah is single and is quite into her job like many-a-Hallmark Christmas movie stars
  8. Sarah has lived in a lot of different countries
  9. Both of us have family in central Ohio
  10. Sarah's favorite Christmas song is the Christmas Canon
  11. Mary's favorite Christmas song is Here We Come A-Wassailing
Our questions from our nominee:
  1. What made you decide to start your blog?
    1. We really wanted to get involved to bringing Hallmark into this era a bit and this seemed like a good way to do it.
  2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
    1. We love coming up with fun new plotlines!
  3. What has been your biggest challenge since you’ve launched your blog?
    1. Trying to keep up with all of the movie watching, podcasting and blogging!  Social media is hard to manage!
  4. What is the post you are most proud of?
    1. We probably liked our last post summarizing our first season of Hallmarked Up!
  5. Are there any pleasant surprises that you have encountered since you started blogging? If so, what are they?
    1. We loved how much support we got for supporting the Zola Ad. #LoveIsLove
  6. What is your favorite Hallmark movie? If you can’t pick just one, share your top 3 to 5 favorites within a theme area (e.g., Countdown to Christmas, Fall Harvest, Winterfest, etc.).
    1. We only watch Countdown to Christmas!!! It's the original and our fav.
  7. When you are not blogging and you are not watching the Hallmark Channel, what do you love to do…in your Real Life?
    1. We love books, writing, the cinema and karaoke!
  8. What is the last vacation you went on?
    1. We haven't been on a vacay together, but we do drive home to Ohio at Christmas time!
  9. What are you currently reading?
    1. The book club we run together is reading The 7 (and a half) Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
  10. What is your blog-related wish for 2020?
    1. We want to distribute far and wide in 2020 and maybe do a show with the Deck The Hallmark guys!
We would like to nominate a couple of blogs:
  1. What The Hallmark
  2. Talking Lit with Aunt Mary
For our blog nominators, we would like to ask them:
  1. Why start the blog?
  2. What are your plans for the blog in 2020?
  3. What is your favorite post so far?
  4. Who is your favorite Hallmark Hunk?
  5. Flannel or Henley?
  6. Did you end up with your high school boyfriend/girlfriend?
  7. Star or Angel on your Christmas Tree?
  8. Come up with a potential title for 2020's Countdown to Christmas.
Thanks so much!  Happy 2020!
Hallmarked Up With Mary and Sarah



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